“The people who represent the ‘hope of the world’ and who are meant to enable the link to new developments, must resolutely turn towards the divine which comes to meet them from the future, from on high.”
– Rudolf Frieling, member of the founding group of priests
The Seminary of the Christian Community in North America
Those who come to the seminary long to be healing servants in the world, serving human souls, human communities and the earth herself. To make us true instruments of this healing we align our learning with the one we recognize as the guiding star of our humanity.
In this training we seek the light of Christ Jesus as we renew our minds in a rigorous spiritual Christology and spirit-science. We seek his guidance in earnestly taking up personal becoming - in social life and through the spiritual disciplines of prayer and meditation. And we seek his presence at the altar in the sacred hour of worship.
For some, this leads to priesthood in The Christian Community, for others it leads to healing priestly work in other spheres of life.
Training Programs
The seminary in Toronto offers a full range of programs, both on-site and distance learning, including every stage leading up to the invitation to prepare for the sacrament of ordination in the renewed priesthood of The Christian Community.
Our Circle of Friends
The Seminary of the Christian Community relies solely on free gifts in the form of contributions or donations, as opposed to tuition or fees. True spiritual activity can never be a commodity. Learn more about our thriving, worldwide community of friends and supporters, including our new outlet for contributors on Patreon.

“All sacramental working is, in this way, a working from and out of Christ, a kind of guiding into the world of a stream of Christ-energies, a completing of the world through Christ, the Creator of a new earth and a new heaven.”
— Emil Bock, founding priest in The Christian Community
Listen to our Podcast, The Light in Every Thing, with Patrick Kennedy and Jonah Evans. For previous episodes, click here.

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