Distance Learning Program
Preparatory Courses in Christ-Discipleship
Distance Learning Program
for those who feel the calling to be servants of Christ in this world
The purpose of the Distance Learning Program is to support and cultivate the foundation of all priesthood: the direct relationship with Jesus Christ. It does this primarily by deepening the practices of devotional bible reading and prayer, as well as the spiritual disciplines of personal moral development and Christian meditation. It can therefore be thought of as a foundation course in “the priesthood of all believers.”
We created the Distance Learning Program (DLP) particularly for those interested in taking a first step towards priesthood and full-time study at the Seminary in Toronto, Canada. These courses allow both students and directors to get to know one another more deeply, and this has proven to be very helpful for processes of discernment and further on-site accompaniment. In addition, the students have an opportunity to get to the know the quality and spirit of the training before taking the big step towards the full-time, on-site program.
While the DLP does not replace any portion of the on-site training, it does provide an invaluable foundation for those called to serve in the renewed priesthood of The Christian Community. Each applicant should work with the directors to determine whether this program is well suited to their unique path. For more information on the DLP application process, click here.
The Distance Learning Program also exists for those who are not called to work as ordained priests in congregations but who understand themselves to be a part of the “People of the Way” (John 14:6, Acts 9:2). The courses provide a unique opportunity for students to earnestly focus on their developing Christ-discipleship. A year of study, learning and growing alongside those who are also walking with Him, can be a deeply powerful and transformative experience. Students often find a renewed strength for their work in the world and discover a community of belonging with all those who seek to be servants of the one who has His being in love.

The core of the Distance Learning Program curriculum is made up of studies in the New Testament, devotional Bible reading, the Christian spiritual disciplines of prayer and meditation, as well as the work of Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophical spiritual science. Each director also holds multiple one-on-one conversations with students as part of the “spiritual formation” work of the student. This is an invaluable opportunity to take up themes and questions that are unique to each participant.
The specific focus of the DLP curriculum may vary in a given year to best meet the needs of incoming students or the needs of the seminary itself.
Classes are held online once a week and typically last 90 minutes. Classes are recorded and downloadable. Each course is limited to 12 fully enrolled students. Smaller groups are formed and meet weekly for additional discussion, typically for one hour or less. The workload for the classes involves reading, occasional writing and small projects throughout the year. But everything is tailored to the understanding that the participants are employed and/or otherwise occupied with their lives at home.
The Distance Learning Program aims to support students in cultivating a direct relationship with Christ Jesus, to strengthen their capacity for discernment, and to expand their practice of Christian spiritual disciplines. As such, there is no “outer” performance evaluation—no “passing” or “failing,” no written or oral “tests.” Instead, towards the end of the course, each student meets with the directors and is asked to discern for themselves what they believe their best next step to be—a further step towards ordained priesthood in The Christian Community or continuing on the path of Christian discipleship. Enrollment in the full-time, on-site training priest training requires the full support of the directors.