The Good Soil
Gardening Day at The Christian Community Church and Seminary!
A poem by Faith DiVecchio
I am the trodden down path
Hardened, worn, pressed down upon
Through centuries of travelers.
I lie here unmoving, only sinking
Deeper into the ground of all.
The seed flutters on me, nameless,
Homeless. Scattered.
I am craggy, sharp, opaquely
Glittering, soaking sun warmth
Mighty in density, gray, blue
Purple, keeper of pockets of
Soil in which cling hardy spindles, sinewy climbers
The brave shoot tries here, but tender root meeting mass
Of stone is…tragedy.
I am chaos. Sharp, crackling
Choking, scrambling and scraping
At life. Tearing at softness, piercing.
Pricking, stabbing are my nature.
The seedling in my midst
succumbs. Watery green
stem withering, leaves crumpled.
I am velvet loam
Symphony of softness, welling
Warmth. I am pungent manure, writhing worms.
I am moving, teeming, rising as
Spring, glowing in the interweaving dying and birthing.
I am waiting.
The seed in me, meets joy.
Meets all that surrounds it
Holds it, destroys it
Calling from it the song of roots,
Language of stem and leaf,
Endless, aching longing
For sun, far above. The seed
In me, meets my willingness for it to become itself.
I am the hard baked path
I am the devastation of boulders
I am the shrapnel of thorns
I am the hungry, darting birds.
From all these I become the ripe and verdant plain
From all these I came, to meet the seed
Long, long awaited.
Our Author: Faith DiVecchio
Walking With Christ student from Hillsdale, NY.
Faith is a trained Waldorf teacher who has a diverse entrepreneurial background. She has also been a professional fundraiser and has led courses about Mary Magdalene.
She has homeschooled her three children.